Cllr. John Hewitt

BH2023/02487 – 106 Dale View


24th September 2023:

I am writing to object application BH2023/02487.

I am objecting in my capacity as a resident of Kingston Close and as a ward councillor for Hangleton & Knoll ward. I am representing my neighbours/ residents, including those who were unable to submit their objections online. I would like this application to be referred to the Planning Committee; I would like to attend to speak at the meeting.


Background: Kingston Close is a narrow cul-de-sac, and a private road, managed by BHCC Housing Management.


Residents of Kingston Close pay a service charge in relation to this. The West side of the road comprises of single storey garages (mainly set back from the road), hardstanding parking, trees, bushes and fences. The site in question was previously two single storey garages and one hardstanding parking space. It is now three hardstanding parking spaces. Kingston Close is a narrow cul-de-sac, with strict parking restrictions enforced, to maintain access for refuse collections and emergency vehicles.


Comments relating to the applicant’s Design and Access and Planning Statement:

3.1- this recognises that the proposed development is a two storey house

4.1- this is a substantial change of use; from car parking spaces to a residential dwelling

5.1- this access is via a Private Road (Kingston Close). Furthermore, there are no utilities (gas/ water/ sewage) on the West side of the road

6.1- this demonstrates the sheer scale of the proposed development compared to existing garages on the West side of the road, which will be flush with the proposed development. This is also demonstrated in the pictures on page 10

11.4- I dispute that this development would have a positive impact on the street scene, as it is significantly larger than other garages on the West side.

11.7- Noted that there is more than 14m from the proposed development to the façade of the flats in Kingston Close, but this doesn’t take into consideration the front gardens in Kingston Close.


Garages rear of 88 Dale View: these garages are cited as a typical structure on the West side of Kingston Close (2.2 on page 6), but it is important to note that these aren’t comparable to the proposed development. These garages were subject to planning permission (BH2020/00399) and full details of these are available online. The height of these garages are 3.95m high and are set far back from the edge of the road on Kingston Close. The pitched roof in these garages is a loft storage space; not a living space. These are approximately 1.5m higher than the neighbouring

garages, which is considerably lower than the proposed development. There is reference in the Officer’s report that these garages are for carparking purposes, rather than commercial use, so not to disturb residents in Kingston Close.


Objections in relation to City Plan Part 2:

DM20 Protection of Amenity

2.156: there was minimal to no engagement or consultation with residents in Kingston Close. Letters were sent to 8 of the 68 properties in Kingston Close, and there were no Planning Notices on lampposts etc. in the Close (like there was for BH2020/00399).

2.157: The window on the second floor overlooks the living rooms and front gardens of Kingston Close.

2.158: The proposed development is overbearing and dominating; especially as it is right on the edge of the road, and not set back. The proposed development would massively stand out as it is significantly larger than the garages next to it.

2.159: The proposed development would overshadow the living rooms and front gardens of Kingston Close.

2.160: As above.

In conclusion: This proposed development is completely out of character with the other structures on the West side of the street, in both size and primary purpose.

It would cause a negative impact for the residents in Kingston Close.


There are questions about the feasibility- the only access to the proposed development is via the private road. The private road is a narrow cul-de-sac. The residents of Kingston Close would be impacted by the construction of and the finished property. As there are no habited properties on the West side of the road, the utilities infrastructure is not available on that side of the road.

The site is ideal for hardstanding parking and/ or single storey garages, like there previously was.


In Relation to BH2023/01560

This is a resubmitted application, following BH2023/01560. This application doesn’t mitigate or resolve the issues from why the original application was rejected; mainly in response to the negative impact this would have on the properties in Dale View.


Suggested Conditions

If approval is granted following the due processes, I would like to request that the following conditions are considered to put in place:

Access: Kingston Close is not used as an access point for constructing the proposed dwelling. This would apply to vehicles, materials and trades people.

Vehicle parking for drop offs and trades people: Vehicles relating to the construction cannot park in Kingston Close.


This is a private road with dedicated parking bays, which are paid for by residents. The area immediately outside of the road is hatched-off. When the previous garages were being demolished and work to the gardens took place at 106 Dale View, Kingston Close was used as an access point and car park for the construction process. This caused traffic issues and access restrictions to residents. The paving has also been damaged by large construction vehicles and vans parking on the pavement.


Working hours: Construction cannot take place outside of 0800 and 1600 (in line with BHCC trades works) or at weekends. This will mitigate the impact on residents.


Materials storage: Kingston Close cannot be used as an area to store construction materials.